Year 3-4
Welcome to Year 3-4!
If you have any questions you would like to ask about Year 3-4, please email us at
We are learning to play different musical instruments!
During our Music lessons, we enjoy using the music scheme Charanga. An integral part of our lessons is to learn to play different instruments: playing, composing and improvising.
Meanwhile, we are also perfecting our singing ability.
British Values - Tolerating Others and Individual Liberty.
At Redby, we recognise and value that each person is an individual and embrace that we are all unique.
Our PHSE curriculum underpins the British Values that we celebrate and promote in our school.
In lessons and through Collective Worships, we discuss the importance of being safe, and how to keep safe both online and in real life situations. We consider the positives and negatives of a scenario and the influences which may lead to the choices and decisions we make in daily life. Friendship and developing a tolerance of other's opinions is an integral part of growing up and through conversations and interactions, we are learning to consider that each person holds their personal beliefs.
Redby's annual Talent Show is a clear example of Democracy and Individual Liberty in action in Redby, where children showcase their talents and the children vote as to who will represent each Year Group. Gymnastics, singing and comedians competed within the Talent Show, displaying their range of talents and impressing the judges panel, parents of the contestants, Governors and the whole school audience.
It was an afternoon of fun, frolics and laughter, all good for our wellbeing!
We are amazing Geographers!
In our Geography lessons, we are becoming experts on using an atlas and a range of maps.
Children can confidently use an index, compass points, and grid references to locate a place in the United Kingdom, Europe and across the world. We are developing our ability to interpret the symbols within the keys on maps, increasing our awareness of different scales used in mapping.
We have used overlays on Digimaps to learn about the different regions and counties within England.
Children have a clear sense of space and demonstrate a good knowledge about the human and physical features found within their local area. we developed a greater understanding of the different types of Land use and were able to identify the different uses of lands on aerial photographs of Sunderland.
Outdoor Learning took us to Chopwell Woods to discover the important role that trees play within our eco-system.
Using a child centred enquiry approach, children in the cohort created their own questions about Keswick, asking a range of questions about this place within the Lake District. When they have answered these questions, we will begin to identify similarities and differences between this market town and Sunderland. Using these comparisons, the children will then be able to consider the range of geographical elements and social factors which define how each place is used by humans.
Being Geographers!
Learning About Teeth

Outdoor Learning - Sculptures in the Local Area.
Our Digestive System!

Design Technology - Structures.
In Design Technology, Y3/4 were faced with the task of designing a castle using junk modelling.
We used a range of recycled materials and considered whether the structure was secure, stable and fit for purpose. Knowledge of 3D nets and shapes was relevant to add the features to the castle.
Look at some of the end results.
We are proud of our structures!
Every week, the children are expected to complete 3 tasks as part of their homework. This consists of reading, spelling and times tables practise.
The children will bring home a book of their choosing from our school library to share with an adult at home. This will be from a section of the library that is suitable for your child's reading level.
All children at Redby are expected to read every night and this should be recorded on your child's bookmark.
Spelling Shed should be used to access weekly spellings. These spellings are set according to their English Group, and spellings tests happen on Friday's.
Increased use of spelling shed ensures your child has the knowledge of necessary spelling patterns and rules in order to apply these to written work.
Spelling Shed is a free app that can be downloaded on any device, or accessed via the internet.
All children have their own login which was sent home at the beginning of the term.
Times Tables
Times tables can be practised via Times Table Rockstars. This is another app that the children can access to practise their times tables in an interactive and engaging way.
The tables are changed weekly, and are updated depending on the multiplication we are working on in school.
Times Table Rockstars is a free app that can be downloaded on any device, or accessed via the internet.
All children have their own login which was sent home at the beginning of the term.