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On behalf of all pupils, staff and Governors I wish to welcome you to Redby Academy.


Redby is a mainstream primary school offering provision to children from 3 – 11 years.

Our geographical location, based on the Roker coastline, next to Roker Park and a stone’s throw from Sunderland Town Centre, serves us well; providing rich, learning environments beyond the classroom. Staff continually strive to instil a ‘love of learning’ in all pupils, providing quality first teaching which encourages children to grow, learn, achieve and aspire to success; both academically and personally.


Every child is recognised as being unique and our strong nurturing ethos, supports all children in their development of self –confidence, individuality, independence and resilience. The curriculum is broad, balanced and designed with pupils at the centre, enhancing knowledge, skills and cultural capital; equipping children for future learning and the next stage of their educational journey and indeed adulthood.


Redby is proud to be part of Tyne Coast Academy Trust; a multi academy trust where each educational establishment maintains its individuality and uniqueness, yet is supportive of one another. The Trust provides opportunities for growth and development thus maximising the potential of children, staff and the Academy as a whole.  A link to Tyne Coast Academy Trust website can be made by clicking on the emblem in top right hand corner of screen. 


Please do not hesitate to contact myself, the Headteacher, for further information or to view the Academy. Visits are always encouraged for prospective parents and children. 


Kind Regards

Melanie Wight

