Rota Kids
Redby Academy is delighted to have established a ‘Rota Kids’ group. This is a younger version of the Rotary Club; a worldwide organisation which helps communities less fortunate than ourselves. Members of the Seaburn Rotary Club came to an assembly to present the group with their badges. In addition, the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary were awarded with special medals of office. We were delighted that the District Governor for the Rotary Club for the North of England, Terry Long, was also here to celebrate the inauguration of the children. This group of children will be active in organising fund raising events within school which will help individuals in our community, nationally and worldwide. They already oversee the Small Change Tuesday collection which is currently raising money to eradicate polio worldwide. We will report on the accomplishments of the Rota Kids on the school newsletters. We wish them every success.