Welcome to Reception!
If you have any questions you would like to ask about Reception, please email us at
Please find below a useful guide of words your child might be using in Phonics and Maths.
Miss Morris is the Reception Teacher and Early Years Leader. She enjoys swimming, kayaking and also plays various musical instruments.

Mrs Catcheside is the Teaching Assistant in Reception. She likes walking in the woods with her dog Newt, who loves to explore! She also enjoys reading and her favourite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Key information
Yearly Overview
Weekly Planning
6.2.25 - To celebrate National Storytelling Week, Holly from 'Atlas Theatre Company' came to read us the story 'The Little Red Hen'. We used props to help plant the seeds, grind the flour and mix the bread, we had such a lot of fun! At the end of the story Holly reminded us that the best thing we can be is ourselves!

3.2.25 - It has been another busy week in Reception!

31.1.25 - Continuing with our Chinses New year celebrations we acted out the story of 'The Great Race' by pretending we were the different animals and then carried out the tradition of dancing under a dragon and playing musical instruments.

30.1.25 - As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations we used chopsticks to eat our noodles...Mrs Catcheside and Miss Morris were very impressed with how well some of us could use the chopsticks!

W/C 27.1.25 - This week we have been learning about The Chinese New Year, as well as practising our Maths, Phonics and playing in the areas of continuous provision.

W/C 20.1.25 - Do you ever wish you could be in our Reception class? We learn so much through play.

W/C 13.1.25 - Another week of fun and learning!

W/C 6.1.25 - Our first week of 2025!

20.12.24 - Today was our Polar Express Day!