Pupil Premium
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools in order to target and support: children from low income families, children in Looked after Care and those children of Forces personnel.
The Government initiative began in April 2011 to support pupils in schools who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) from Reception through to Year 11, as research suggested this group of children underperformed when compared to their Non FSM peers.
Pupil Premium funding is available to all children who have been in receipt of FSM within the last 6 years (both mainstream and non-mainstream settings) and those children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months.
Schools have the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium money however they deem it appropriate, however spending is intended to raise the attainment of vulnerable pupils and ‘narrow the gap’ between them and those pupils not in receipt of the funding. Annual performance tables indicate the achievement of pupils funded by pupil premium compared with their peers.
Schools have been instructed by the Government to publish online how they have utilised the PP funding so as to inform parents of the attainment made by pupils the initiative addresses.
The current funding bands:
FSM Pupils £1385 per pupil
Looked After Children £2410 per pupil
Service Pupils £320 per pupil
The amount of Pupil Premium funding received by Redby Academy for 2022/2023 is £77660
This figure includes an additional £8410 Recovery Premium Funding to support school following the pandemic.
Redby Academy aim to use Pupil Premium funding to best effect, by:
• Early identification of need and appropriate intervention
• Effective support/liaison with home and school
• Adopting a whole-school approach to developing confident, independent learners.
• Supporting pupils to achieve targets
• Effectively monitoring, assessing, tracking and reporting on pupil progress
Redby Academy are intent on developing the potential of all pupils irrespective of need. We aim to maximise the learning and development of pupils through appropriate provision and employ a range of strategies and resources to support raising attainment. One of our main priorities is to offer disadvantaged pupils, who are underachieving and underattaining, every opportunity to maximise their learning and progress; aiming to get all pupils ‘on track’ to achieve age related expectations at the end of KS1 and KS2.
Senior Leaders endeavour to address the differing needs of pupils in all cohorts and continue to develop programmes of relevant intervention and additional teaching and learning to ensure funding is spent appropriately; facilitating and securing access to the curriculum for all pupils.
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