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How the PTA spend the funds.

Academic year September 2022.



Members of the PTA.

September 2022 - July 2023.


Chair of PTA - K Selling.   (staff)

Treasurer - J McNaught   (parent)


Sharon Stein (parent)

Donna Peary (parent and staff)

Anjana Tivenga (parent)

Cheryl Morris (staff)

Susan Cacheside (staff)

Claire Gallon (parent)



PTA spend for 2021/22

Break the Rules

Reasons to join the PTA

Welcome to The Lighthouse Family.



J Ford (Parent)

K Selling (Staff)


Current members:

G Jamieson (Parent)                                 T Fowler (Staff)

S Coulthard (Parent)                                C Morris (Staff)

J McNaught (Parent)                                S Catcheside (Staff)

D Peary (Parent)                                        L Vardy (Staff)


New members are welcome to come along. In normal circumstances, we meet informally on an evening to discuss fundraising events.


Past events have included: educational workshops 

                                                 Living Eggs

                                                 School Fetes

                                                 Crazy Hair day

                                                 Y6 end of school treats

                                                 Halloween community party and sleepovers


We welcome suggestions and any feedback from yourselves to the following email - 



Dear parent,

Looking ahead to the end of the academic year, the PTA wish to celebrate your child’s time at Redby Academy by purchasing 'Leaver Hoodies' for the current Y6 pupils. Contact has been made with Total Sport and they are able to supply the Hoodies, with the following sizes being available:
- 9 to 11 years, 
- 12 to 13 
- Small Adult.
We are asking parents to pay £10 toward the cost and the PTA will contribute the outstanding amount. We appreciate that with the current Covid climate, family finances may have been impacted upon and we are therefore able to offer a payment instalment plan.

It would be appreciated, if parents could inform school if a Hoody is to be ordered and the preferred size.  Further information regarding payment will follow.

Please reply via;

Kind regards.
Karen Selling
PTA Chair 

Redby Rainbow Day

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile Instructions
