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Parents Letter – Autumn 2018

Welcome back! The weather has certainly been good to us this summer and hopefully all families enjoyed spending time together and making great memories. Following the summer break, which seemed to whizz by at an accelerated speed, the children have as usual, returned to school for the Autumn Term looking exceptionally smart in their uniforms and brimming with enthusiasm for learning. Yesterday, we welcomed many new starters both to Reception and throughout the school, all of whom settled well and had a fabulous start to life at Redby.


Thank you to all parents and children who embraced the Tall Ship project over the holiday. A wide range of both 2d and 3d models are now exhibited in our main reception. The models truly are indicative of the interest in learning and support shown by both pupils and parents across the Academy. If your child has not yet completed or begun a ship they are more than welcome to bring one into school upon completion.


As mentioned in the summer term, the past year was indeed a most successful year at Redby, culminating in tremendous results in both progress and attainment. Redby results ie: Early Years Exit Data, Y1 Phonics and both Key Stage 1 & 2 SATs were all above both National and Sunderland Local Authority figures and can be viewed on our Academy website.


• Dates for National testing for this academic year 2018/19
• Y1 Phonics Screening – Week commencing Monday 11th June 2019
• Key Stage 1 SATs (Y2) – Fortnight commencing Monday 14th May – Fri 25th May 2019
• Key Stage 2 SATs (Y6) – Monday 14th – Thursday 17th May 2019


Please note these dates are set nationally and can not be changed, therefore it is imperative that all pupils are in attendance. Holidays at this time are non-negotiable.


This term and indeed the year ahead will undoubtedly be action packed with a range of events and activities for both pupils and parents to enjoy. All key dates are available to view on the front page of the school website with more dates added as the year progresses.


Macmillan Coffee Morning – Our annual coffee morning will be held from 9 -11am on Friday 28TH September, in the school hall. All parents and friends are welcome to attend. Each year, this event raises a substantial sum of money for a very worthy cause. Further information regarding this event will follow shortly.


Early Years Open Day – On Saturday 6th October, Early Years will host an ‘Open Morning’ showcasing our provision to families in the locality. All parents with children, approaching three years of age, living in the community are welcome to view the environment and facilities and speak with staff regarding the first stage of their child’s educational journey.


Parents Evening Monday – The first Parents Evenings for this academic year will be held in school on Monday 29th & Tuesday 30th October 2018. Nearer the dates, appointment times will be sent to parents and on attendance will be able to discuss progress and attainment to date and how parents can further support their child at home.


Extra Curricular Clubs – Mrs Fenwick is currently organising extra curricular clubs for this term. Letters have been sent out stating which clubs are available with relevant times and dates. As always places are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Parents will be notified if a place is allocated to their child. Please note: to avoid disappointment, pupils attending clubs will change half termly.


Learning beyond the classroom
Redby Academy is situated in a fabulous location; near to both Roker Park and a beautiful coastline. It is our intention to use both environments on a frequent basis, thus enhancing pupils learning in a range of subject areas.
Our youngest children, in Nursery, learn outdoors for a great proportion of each day and it is hoped, we can utilise the local environment to promote outdoor learning for all pupils, regardless of age. In order to facilitate such learning, we ask that all pupils attend school in appropriate clothing suited for the weather. During the winter months pupils will require: warm coat, hat, scarf, gloves, boots/wellies (Ballet pumps are not acceptable footwear). Without such clothing children will not be able to access short trips and visits.


Above all else, the safeguarding of pupils continues to be of paramount importance to us. Please note: the school drive is NOT to be used for parents/adults dropping off and collecting children at the start and end of the school day. If a parent needs to use the drive for a specific reason that has been verified by school staff, they should drive at 5 mph which is a quick walking pace.

To fully ensure the safety of your child, it should be noted that the school day ends at 3.15pm and children should be collected at this time. If arrangements for picking up your child at the end of the school day change, parents must contact the school office to state who will be collecting them. School will not allow any child to leave the school premises with another adult unless we have been directly informed by a parent, or it is written and signed by a parent in pupil diaries. If parents wish for their child in Y5 or Y6 to walk home unaccompanied by an adult, school need to be informed of this in writing as soon as possible.


Redby has a strict ‘No Jewellery’ policy, with only watches allowed to be worn. Ear-rings and other jewellery are not permitted.
Academy Policy also states, NO mobile phones are allowed in school under any circumstance. If parents are concerned about their child walking home after school, arrangements will need to be made for children to be collected and cared for by an adult or person of 16 years minimum.


Leave of Absence
Any parent applying for Leave of Absence must make an appointment through the school office to speak with myself. Please note that holidays can not be authorised due to Government restrictions. If families choose to holiday without informing school, police may need to be informed so as to ensure the safety of the children. A penalty notice can be enforced on parents taking their children out of school for ten or more consecutive days or if they have been informed of their child’s low absence.


Please note: The new phone number for Redby Academy is 5484040


INSET for staff training this term will be on: Monday 26th November and Friday 21st December 2018. The Academy will therefore be closed to children on these dates.


As a staff, we endeavour to continue our sound relationships and support all families at Redby Academy. If parents have any concerns they wish to discuss, please make an appointment at the school office, or alternatively speak to myself or Mrs Carroll on either yard, at the start or end of the school day.


Yours sincerely,


