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Our Curriculum

        Redby Academy      

    Curriculum Intent


Pupils at Redby Academy come from a range of socio economic backgrounds, the curriculum across the Academy is planned with these dynamics in mind, reflecting our local context and location near the coastline and next to a public park. This allows pupils varied opportunities to learn outside of the classroom. Redby Academy provides rich learning environments both within and beyond the classroom. The curriculum is broad, balanced and designed with pupils at the centre, offering provision to enhance knowledge, skills and cultural capital required for pupils to succeed now and in future life.


It is our intent, to embrace a knowledge rich, question driven curriculum; that encourages an enquiry approach, taught through quality first teaching and varied pedagogy, in order to inspire: enquiry, creativity, problem solving, independence and self-motivation.  Through curriculum coherence and active engagement in learning, it is the aim pupils will demonstrate substantive knowledge and ultimately ‘know more and remember more’.


It is our intention that all pupils grow, develop and make progress from their individual starting points and that all success is celebrated, as well as effort, perseverance, resilience and learning from personal error and failure. We strive to maximise potential of all pupils, irrespective of ability, need or vulnerability and strive to accelerate progress of disadvantaged pupils; diminishing any gap in progress and attainment between themselves and their peers.  Staff work hard to identify needs and appropriate provision of all individuals, offering sufficient challenge for pupils working at greater depth in order for them to thrive further.


The curriculum endorses and encourages all forms of equality, raising awareness of and fostering great respect for different faiths and religions, disability, gender and sexual orientations. The curriculum supports the whole child, enhancing pupil safety in every respect, including e-safety, physical and mental health, radicalisation and extremism.


A rich and varied programme of after school activities enhances the curriculum offer further, developing pupil interest, physical skills, confidence and social interaction in preparation for their future life and adulthood.


We strive to ensure all our pupils make progress and achieve well, helping to prepare them for future experiences and the next stage of their life. Staff encourage an understanding of the purpose of any learning; making connections with future learning, careers and adulthood.

Curriculum Subjects

Curriculum Medium Term Plans 
