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Guide Dogs

We were delighted to be able to present a cheque for £271 to Guide Dogs for the Blind as a result of recent fund raising at Redby. As well as ‘Small Change Tuesday’ weekly contributions, Year 5 also held a cake and biscuit sale to boost the funds. Two guide dog trainers, Jon and Frank, brought two black Labrador trainee guide dogs into school. A group of children were given the opportunity to work with the guide dogs. An obstacle course was set up in the hall and the blindfolded children were lead round by the dogs without bumping into anything. The children remarked that whilst it was a nerve wracking experience, they felt that they could trust the dogs. Once the harnesses were taken off the dogs we were allowed to stroke and pet them just like any other dog. The children also learned a great deal of interesting facts, such as it costs £50000 to train and look after a guide dog. Also a guide dog usually retires around the age of 10. This is a fantastic charity and we feel proud, yet again, to have made a contribution to help people less fortunate than ourselves.
